Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Week 9 Lecture Reflection

Week nine’s lecture was about ‘walled gardens’ and ‘creative commons’. Basically what I learnt from the lecture is that the whole issue surrounding copyright, digital information, creative commons and IP controls is just god damn confusing! I thought I had a grasp on the content in this subject but this week’s lecture left me wondering. In an attempt to decipher what it all meant…it covered the currently topical issue of regulating copyright within an increasingly digital information world. In terms of copyright we are moving from an industrial to an informational era which creates conflict. This discussion is very heated within the music industry in terms of music distribution networks. I don’t think there is anything wrong with them…as Christina Spurgeon (the lecturer) pointed out, the record labels are ever increasing their sales and profits while people are sharing music, so it is win win really isn’t it? Christina showed us some pretty cool clips/websites during the lecture so check them out: Napster Animations (so cute and funny) and Creative Commons (very interesting).


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